Sum Up! 心噏!
陳家蔚 / 陳庭軒@去劇場 / 張利雄 / 何明恩 /
梁海頤 @一舊飯團 / 盤彦燊 / 另劇場 / 曾凱渝 / 黃寶娜
What is Sum Up!?
a platform for NGD users to share their ideas regardless of art forms and modes of presentation
an artist hub for artistic discussion a discourse-making from diversified audience
Who join Sum Up!?
Kiwi Chan / Henry Chan @ nobodies’theatre /
Holmes Cheung / Ho Ming Yan /
Alysa Leung @ Riceballershk / Wayson Poon / Theatredetour / Tsang Hoi Yu / Paula Wong Pona
+ details...
空間 Space
牛吉地主要劃分為Creation Space 及 Common Space。前者為大約500呎的活動空間,備有舞蹈地膠、兩對自由開合的6呎高鏡及基本音響設備,供藝術愛好者租用;後者為共用空間,可用作文書、閱讀、討論、稍息之用,在沒有人使用Creation Space的時候免費對外開放。Common Space同時是流動性高的空間,可按需活動需要組裝成小型的觀眾席。另外備有自由定價的refreshment corner,少量存放道具的空間及獨立洗手間。
We divide our space into Creation Space and Common Space. Creation Space, equipped with a 500-feet-open space with marley floor, 2 pairs of flexible 6-feet-tall-mirrors, and basic AV system, is available for rental. Common Space is reachable for paperwork, reading, discussion and rest with free admission when the Creation Space is not in use. Common Space is featured with high fluidity and can be reassembled to a mini audience stand. We are also equipped with a free-pricing refreshment corner, limited props storage, and private toilets.
關於牛吉地 | About ngau4 gat1 dei6 (NGD)
一個獨立經營的藝術空間,旨在凝聚各界藝術工作者。牛吉地現時以「實驗性框架」經營,探索如何在本地藝術生態發展藝術空間。牛吉地目前擁有一個吉地及24小時共用工作空間,供同業們進行不同類型的活動。牛吉地注重自主性,同業們可決定如何使用牛吉地的資源。「We share a space」— 牛吉地不只是一塊吉地,更希望成為同業者的共享工作室,讓我們一起豢養這片吉地。 牛吉地不完美,但願能與本地藝術界共同努力,一起期許更多可能性。
ngau4 gat1 dei6 (NGD) is a self-funded artist hub. We are now running NGD as an experimental framework on how to grow an art space for local art scene. With NGD’s hardware support, including an open space and 24-hour-workstation, artists coming from different disciplines are most welcome to take initiatives on researches, rehearsals, exhibitions and any other brilliant ideas. Within NGD, artists feel free to make use of NGD’s resources to decide what and how to happen. “We share a space” - NGD is not merely a space, but a co-studio of every user. We don’t lease a space, we work it out together. NGD is not an extraordinary space that can accommodate everyone but we hope it will be a making of more possibilities.
Contact Us
San Po Kong+852 9087 4715